30 August, 2023
Live Bar, August 31 news Beijing time this morning, American union Miami International vs Nashville. At the end of half time, both parties are temporarily 0-0.
Half-time data of both parties: (Miami International-Nashville)
Expected goal: 0.39-0.17
Possession percentage: 74%-26%
Number of shots: 3-4
Number of targets shot: 0-1
Number of passes: 336-101
Pass Success rate: 92%-81%
Number of fouls: 6-6
Number of yellow cards: 2-0
Tags: 上海品茶贵族宝贝CLB, 上海大龙凤419EPU, 上海新茶外卖高端BOF, 上海贵族宝贝花千坊419KDZ